SECURITY RISK QUICK REFERENCE Keep this useful reference guide to understand malware and phishing risk : Phishing or Malware Type What is it? Computer Virus A program that can make copies of itself repeatedly to infect and corrupt files without the user know about it. Spyware Malicious program that once...

We are Growing. Meet our new team member!

We are Growing. Meet our new team member! Ahmad Saleem holds a Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology from the University of Waterloo and is a highly skilled mechatronics engineer with over 10 years of experience in systems integration. He has spent the last seven years specializing in the machine...

Government Funding

Canada Ontario Job Grant Just Opened Here is another amazing opportunity for our clients to continue to develop their team’s leadership and technical skills. Reach out to us today to discuss your requirements so we can provide a quotation to go with your submission. We can also connect you with...

Ontario Skills Development Fund (SDF)

On Tuesday September 26th, the Ministry of Labor announced $90 million dollar of investment into the Ontario Skills Development fund (SDF) to aid the impending skill labor shortage in the province. The program supports innovative projects that increase workers and job seekers skills and knowledge to improve their career choices....

HELLO from Soaring Leadership

Our Mission: We help leaders reach their full potential.™ Robert Half survey show that 39% of people surveyed have left a job due to a bad boss. This is unfortunate and often due to leaders who are not self-aware and don’t realize the negative impact they have on their team.

Introducing Shahroz Alam 

Shahroz joined Corpex one year ago as our Website Designer and Customer Service Technician. He works daily to improve the user experience of our website, social media and our training platforms. He rolled out our Webroot training tool to educate our clients on phishing prevention. He is also the face...

IT Security – Phishing Best Practices

Attackers are very smart and know how to trick you. They get to know how they can adjust legitimate website names so you think they are real. Take this one for example:      www.Ameracainepxerss.comIf you are not careful, you would think this is for American Express. But notice the miss-spelling?It is...


Pat yourself on your back for all the things you accomplished in 2021. Really feel the pride and success you made no matter how small it was.Consider what thoughts dominated you in 2021, both good and bad. Think about why they made you feel like they did. Was there a...