Soaring Leadership Group A
Want To Reach Your Full Potential?
Soaring Leadership group A is an online live training and coaching group intended for people who have been in a leadership role with people reporting to them for 10 years plus. This means you have the basic leadership skills and job knowledge and you’re looking to improve or refine your leadership effectiveness. This group offers you a cross company/cross industry networking group, where we meet bi-monthly in one hour sessions to learn, grow, share, and practice together. Training supported by Coaching and practicing is 3X more successful than traditional learning methods because of the personal insight gained. Through our process we elevate the spirit of the individual which translates into a stronger, more mature and robust leaders. If you are looking to take your leadership potential to the next highest level, this group is for you!

How Does Our Signup Process Work?
If you are new to our soaring leadership groups we offer a FREE Clarity Session to identify your goals and to uncover the barriers to achieving them. From there, we suggest a customized group that will meet your objectives.
Our Qualifications
- 32 Years of Strategic and Executive Manufacturing Experience and Leadership Training.
- ACTIVATION™ METHOD Life Coach Certification.
- Tony Robbins Life, Business Mastery & Knowledge Broker Trainings.
- Professional Engineer of Ontario since 1991 with 30 years of Practical Experience.

We Can Help If Any Apply?
Even the best athletes in the world use coaches regularly to improve their game. We all need a little help once in awhile to reach our life or work goals. Check off any that apply:
- YOU STRUGGLE WITH TIME MANAGEMENT because you put things off and get off track. We help you achieve more by optimizing your resources which help you get over the hurdles.
- YOU WANT MORE ACTION by your team or from yourself. We help you understand what is holding you back and create action plans to help you take those critical first steps.
- GOALS GET SIDE-TRACKED, firefighting is evident or you find it hard to focus. We help you create a clear vision and guide you to develop an action plan that motivates toward one direction.
- CONFLICT IS EVIDENT amongst your team or when you talk with certain individuals. We help to remove tensions and guide you on practical methods for understanding and collaboration required for success.
- YOU HAVE A MAJOR TRANSTION in front of you like a corporate restructure or a career change. Our creative change management program works by leveraging inner strengths that drive decisive action.
- YOU FEEL LOST OR FEAR IS HOLDING YOU BACK. Perhaps you are unsure of what to do next in your career or are afraid to take on the next big challenge in life. We can help you discover what you value and desire while transforming your fear toward motivation which guides you to make the next right move.
- YOU THINK YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH and are listening to that voice in your head. We help you let go of the past and get rid of those limiting beliefs that stand in your way.
- YOU FIND WAYS TO SABOTAGE YOURSELF by spending too much time on non-productive habits. We help you make better decisions by breaking old habits and building new ones to achieve personal growth.
Join us today to learn best practices that can enable you and your team to operate more effectively while enjoying the journey!
Why Hire Corpex?
- We navigate a person or team’s belief system, emotional patterns and relationships to find strengths and resources for achieving goals they desire.
- Our clients are individuals and organizations wanting to remove personal roadblocks to success or to achieve specific corporate goals through a team approach.
- We customize the strategies to best fit the client’s needs, personality and vision where we prepare you or the team mentally, technically and tactically to take forward action.
- We believe the right solutions appear when people’s human needs are met, expressed and elevated from inside. And then we help you focus on growth and contribution which motivates an individual or team to achieve success in the outer world.
- We are skilled and trained listeners who can notice what you don’t say as much as what you do say. This reaches deep into what is holding you or your team back and is a process of facilitated self-discovery and fulfilled execution.
- We help you to hold yourself accountable for challenging but rewarding work that escalates your responsibility for results and thus your productivity.